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heyy , so long never see , dh bper mnggu yerk ? haha anywayy , nk storyy , but before that , nk story psal kenduri kat kampung SUNGKAI ! happening gile ! andand me jadi photographer wit abg shahrul and kak eida a.k.a akk fyda , mkwe abg syamsul , :) andand , for the first time i think , kte jd photographer using the DSLR , my father's DSLR , awww soo teruje waktuu tuu ! amat amat teruje ! abh pnggil gie blik , ingat kan hape , rope ny , nk srohh amek kan gmbr , then timetime too snap snap laa , wit kazen , awwww , soo suke time tuu ! hehe :D , see , dh senyum lebo smpai ke telinga , haha oke (!) fullstop about that (!)

noww nk storry psal skolaa , ouchh ! mnggu dpan dh ujian , nervous nervous , dah laa td buat quiz math , bnyak slah , hadoihh , still can't get it , urghh ! then ary sabtu nie skola , aduiihhh , mals laa , ! nape kna skolaa ! hishh , nnti spe nk amek ? umi gie kl , abh gie kl jugakk but not the same destination , and how about my adek ? x kan nk tnggal umah sensorang , anyway , nnti umi and abh msti pkir ttang bnda tuu , then , no worries laa ATEN a.k.a AINAZULAIKHA :) , oke , then , td nk gie surau , jmpa akk wany ! awww , akk comeyy laa akk ! admire you , no matter why laa akk ad boyfie , hehe , oke oke , fullstop (!)

tdi , chatt nan new frensz who love k-pop ! yeahh , her name is syaza latif , dy pminat fanatik football , and she suke sanat sanat akan LIVERPOOL and BARCALONA , and also FERNANDO TORRES , altough dy dh pndahh CHELSEA , she still love him , no matter why dy still suke LIVERPOOL , urgghh , ap ak merepek nie , pning pale ak , soory yer SYAZA or akk SYAZA ? whats ur age ? takk tauu ponn , bce kat blogg td , 18 rite ? so thats mean , u akk , oke , sorry akk SYAZA kalau knyataan tuu slah , hehe , urmm , me x mnat LIVERPOOL  , me mnat MANCHESTER UNITED ! and also THE HARIMAUUU MALAYA ! love them both ! always support u both ! me too pminat fanatik bolasepakkkk ! ak sepakk kauu smpai LONDON sane ! haha , kiddin kiddin , c(:

thenn , yang nie x pnting p0nn bgi korangg , but pnting for me and my family and also my sys , she will be back here at 6 MAC 2011 , yakni ary ahd , then ary isnin kna skolaa , x ke penat nnti ! from SEREMBAN to KEDAH , then from KEDAH , nk pie snggah SUNGKAI japp , then SEREMBANN ! suree PENAT ! it's a longg journeyy okey ! haha , oke oke . cuba bertahan wahai AINAZULAIKHA ! oke oke ! 

houu yeahh ! i like kak aisya and akk aisyah ! i meanss kak aisya tuu kwan kak aida , and and kak aisyah , i meet her at abg man's friend and also abg naem girlfie i think , hehe i love them both ketat ketat ! and also ustazh IZZAH and usatzh KHAI ! very the ketat ketat ! mcm pompuan pkai sluar ketat smpai x leyh jlan ! faham kalian kalian sume , ! SYANG ANDA KETAT KETAT ! including Aida Dieya , Amir Haziq , Amir Hadif , Frensz , Best frensz and family ! SYANG KORANG TERLEBIH KETAT


AinaZulaikha , 
lee seung gi's wife ^^ 
and ,
kim hyun joong's scandal ^^ , 

*kiddin kiddin , jngan mrah kpda pminat setia dua orangg ini and me , haha , ad ke pminat kte kat sni ? kahkah , berangan ! ^^

1 comment:

  1. hehe tak sngka awk sebut nama saya kat blog awak hehe masehh :) yupp umo 18 hehe akak la ne. so adek umur brp yaa? ohh mnt MU eh, tp sy taksuka MU hehe takpa majulah sukan untuk negara.

    terima kasih sudi singgah blog sy. suka blog awakk <3
