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ape manfaat yang korang dapat kalao membenci aku ?

Assalamualaikum . okay . tajuk post nie mcam ad something serious rite ? hurmm , yeahh . maybe :3 . huuuuuuuuuhhhhh *mengeluhhpanjangdanmenariknafasedalamdalamnya ~ .

begini cerite ny . suatu hari , guru kelasku yang bernama . . * okaymengarut. straightothepointlahh . SAYA telah dilantik sebgai ketue kelas ,, kelas satualfarabiduaribusebelas . stiap hri SAYA menjalankan tugas saya dengan baek tp suatu mase nie , dakdak laki nie bising lahh kann , soo I jerit laa kat dyorangg sohh snyap . but there's no effect . lg kite dok ckap , lagi deme buad . hurmm . okayy . aku daa fedup ngan prangai dyorangg yg takk dgr ckap . soo , aku bertekad utk cri ckguu . I dtmani kwan baek I thats is Aqilla , then , we go to class 1 IBR if   i'm not mistaken . then , we tell ur class teacher that the boys soo noisy . and teacher asked me to write their name on a paper and gave it to her . soo . i do it . next dayy , ur teacher came at ur class suddenly . then , she called the name I wrote on the paper . and berlaungan lahh name name berikutt

                                                                         FARID ! SAFUAN ! 
                                                NASHRIQ !  SAIFUL !    
                                                                               AKID ! ASHIQ ! 
                                                  NAUFAL ! IZZAT HAZARY ! 

hwawaaaaaa . soo pop lahh their name , always their name , hurmmm . and then , after teacher blahhh from the classs , they started  drop drop me . they said like this " haaa , weii , jngan bising lgi laa haa . kang heboh lakk ngadu kat teacher yong" . okayyy . i'm embrassed .  then , guess what i'm doin after that , i'm CRYING ! i'm CRYING GUYSSS ! cause i saket haty with them . and terKECILHATI with them . okayy . i berhasrat in my heart , okayy . buad lahh ap korangg nakk buadd . aku daa taanakk amek kesahh psal korang lgi . okay . day on day on day go on , unexpectedly , teacher YONG lantik KHAI as sec monitor class . I'm like WHATTTTTT !  thats impossible . how can ? okayy . then teacher explained too me . "ANA , *she called me ANA not AINA . okay continue , I'VE ASKED KHAIZU-LAN TO WATCH THE BOYS WHILE YOU WATCH THE GIRLS ," hmm . okayy teacher . sooo , i laksanakan mu duty as usual . hmm . okayy . you know whattt ? ' KHAIZU-LAN IS VERY THE PENDIAM ! PENDIAMMM ! how can teacher lantik dy as the monitor classs for the boys . huuuuhhhhh . okaayyy ,days go on , he is very the poyo ! the poyoest boy in ur classs ! non other than him !  *ringkaskna crite ~ . tthiss week they make me evenn moreee hate them . they make me CRY AGAIN ! for the second time just for the same reason . THEM . THEY MAKE ME CRY . okayyy , if i'm not mistaken , its on TUESDAYY , before ICTL , theyy make me cry cause of whattt . hurmm , i cannot remember . hmm . okayyy . the same thing they did on me todayy , FRIDAYYY , 19 AUGUST 2011 . TWOTHOUSANDELEVEN . luckily , i'm not crying this time , theyy maen maen in the class , they played the BASEBALLL using a ball from papers . they did it using their creativity . then . they mean baling baling , i'm sleeping in the class that time *huhu ~ , suddenly , they maen baling baling the ball terkena AINA , and i aina ponn terkejut . and i scolded them . woahhhh . dahh lahh buad slah . takk mintak maaf . mmg perasaan marah membuak buak . and they try to cari psal with me , soo we [the boys and the girls] maen prangg prangg mlot , and finally . . . . *drummbeatinggg ~  theres no winner . both lose . 

 ~ theyyyy reallyyyyy  ANNOYED ! VERY VERY ANNOYED ! . thats cause I hate them . really reallyyyy hate them . and we're the girls , are ANTI WITH THEM ! ANTI WITH THEM ! ANTI ANTI ANTI ANTI ANTI ANTI ANTI ANTI ANTI. ~but sometimes , they funny . huuuuuhhhh . malas nakk pkir psal dyoranggg agie , soo then , goodbye . so longgg goodbye .                               

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