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aina rinduu dye sngadsngad . takde no tel dye , fb dy ponn takde . hmm .

#okayokay. tinggalkan psal bnda yg takde kna mngena uh , kite bkak topik baruu .

okay . aina akn rnduu SMK ZA'BA . a lots of memoriess there . i can't forget all the memories . manis or pahit , i will remember , sooo , goodbye to SMK ZA'BA , and hello again SMK BUKIT KEPAYANG . 
skrang nieh daa akhir thn kann ? daa nak masok awal tahun . although 2011 is the worst year for me , but i'll keep all the memories . bulan 3 : masok skola baruu , dpat kwan baruu , dpat classmate baruu , ckgu baru , and the most important , pengalaman baruu . after bulan 3 : 1 al-farabi was the closest classmate forever , we share things together , share story together , and share secrets together , friendss , i miss the moment we take picturess together in class , for the very last time for me , but unfortunately , my carema kena curik , and all i have is nothing , sorry guys , i love the camera , i love the moment we take picss , and the picss in my camera , sorrryyyy , i can't save my camera's lifeeeee , damn , i'm cryinggggg , becuase i love them . i love you . 

skrang nie aina dahh meningkat remaja , i'm about to be fourteen . aina nakk jugak merasa dicintai . tapi , aina sedangg dicintai , olehh , my parents , friendss , and family . but i want to be loved by someone special . but . i know who i am . i'm not deserved in things like this . won't happened to me , NEVER happened to me . but i can , rite ? somedayy , maybe not todayy , but i bet , one dayy , i'll find my true love , #cewahhhhhhhh , jiwangg siot akuuuhh . HAHAHAHAHAH ,

credit to someone I love : Kak , adek syangg akak , tpi adek tauu hati akk bkan lagi katt adekk dahh . akak daa ade orangg laen yangg akak lebihh caring . he's my classmate akak , jage dyee leklok , dye lahh musuh adek , kawan adek , even 'madu' adekk , haha , adek ponn dahh takleh menaruh harapan dekat akak lagi dahh , mulemule akak amek adek dulu , adek hope this relationship will last forever , but , my thought hundred percent liesss , can't stay long . soo , i hope , you and him will last forever , i'll pray for it . next year , i will not be in za'ba anymore . soo , if he stays there , take a good care of him . and i bet , someone who hates me , will be very happy , becausee you're not with me anymoree . and she will get you again . Nuradilla Dzidee , i appericiate of what you've been done to me since we're adopt . not real adopt . soo , i hope , you remember our moments together , lastly , ILY :') 
#sincerely by me : AinaZulaikha Sharman , NOT your beloved adek , thankss for everything sistah :')

urm , sorry guys , its already late . very very late . HAHAHAH , nite . i see ya guys next time . not sure about the time . byebye :)

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