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It's been awhile :)

Hello there . I'm so sorryyyy for not update this blogg for a longggg time . And of coursee I have so many stories . Maybe gonna be a longg post . Hihi :3

Well , dulu Aina ad update pasal birthday present yang Aina nak tu kan ? MP3 . Finally I got it . Actually , dah lama dah . 18/1 . Hihi :3 And I got exactly the same dengan yang dalam gambar tu . And the MP3 is still alive and always with me . Tapi nyawa earphone tak dapat saya selamatkan . HAHA XD I think about 2-3 times already saya tukar earphne :) 

Next , I've changed my crush . But still Capital A maa :) Yang memalukan , He already know maaa . But dia buat bodoh je . Dia pun ad crush rupany . Hmm :/ Agak terkilan di part itu . Hmm sokay , I need to survive . My journey is still longg to go . I have to achieve my goal . My ambition . I don't know what's my exact ambition . I loved to be a PHOTOGRAPHER and always dream to own a DSLR . Hmm one day :)

Hey I got a new cat after I've lost my cat , Ceti :/ This new cat we called her Comel . Kinda old sch name . *Gelak sikit . banyak pun takpe . And yea , It's my sister's cat . Hyperactive one . It's a girl . 

Hey , talking about girl ,  I got a new niece . Imma aunt . Okay . I know , still to young enough to be an aunt . HAHA k MUDA k . Her name is Dhiya' Amanda Hafidzzulhajj :) Beautiful name kan ? 

Let's talk about my sch day . Everything is just okay until datangny seorang PERAMPAS . k PERAMPAS k . My thought when first time jumpa dia . Kinda nice and pretty girl huh ? My thought is hundred percent wrongg . After a few weeks dia dtang kat sch Aina , She stoles my friends . I will not forgive you girl . Dah berpuak puak pulak dalam kelas aku tu bila hadirny kau dalam khidupan aku and kawan kawan aku . Hmm hidup kau sekarang bahagia bersama kawan baru kau kan ? k aku malas nak masuk cmpur hal korangg . Let them be kan ? Tak payah nak jaga tepi kain warne biru dyorang uh . Hihi . Masing masing ad hal sndri kan ? 

Eh , berita tergempar ! Saya dah boleh tidur dalam gelap sorang sorangg :3 

Hmm tahun ni saya banyak ber-kpoppingg sampai kena marah dengan umi . I always tengok kpop sampai saya abaikan pelajaran . My mom said so . Hmm , I will try my best after this umi . But I will always be a KPOPPER :D

Eh , TWITTER JAYA BEST ? Siapa berkata begitu ? Hihi saya lahhh . Jom kita bergerak ke TWITTER JAYA sebab FB boringg nowadays . Who's with me ? Do follow me @AinaZulaikha_Z and @aida_azuan :) 

Hmm result mid-year exam saya haritu takde lah teruk mana . My maths ruined everything ! I got D maaa . Hmm :/ And I didn't get any C in my mid-year exam . Hihi . Only A and B and D -,- . Pecah rekod okay Aida Azuan dapat 1st place . Tiba-tiba saya envy dengan dia . How did she do it ? 

Okay . I got good news . B2ST release new song "Midnight" after 1 year and 2 months on 15th July . I miss them so much . SOOOOO MUCH . I can't describe HOW HAPPY AM I when 1st time hear it . You all should hear it too . I'm FOREVER A B2UTY . Who's with me ? High-5 :D

I think this year is a k-pop year for me . There's soooo many rookies debuted and K-pop Idol comebacks . 

Well , Hmm , banyak benda saya nak buat untuk kpop . I know it's kinda waste my time and my money . But I really LOVE THEM SOOO MUCH . Please understand me . 

Should I make a diary ? Tell me . Should I ? Please give feedback in the shoutbox . Hihi . Tag my name #AinaZulaikha :)

Hey , dalam masa setahun . Saya kehilangan dua insan yang saya sayang . Arwah Tokwan and Arwah moyang saya . Hmm Innalillah . Tolong sedekahkan al-fatihah untuk mereka . Kita doakan agar mereka ditempatkan di kalangan orang yang beriman . Amin :')

WOW , Long post huh ? Hihi :3 Please continue reading okay ? I'll update more often after this . I will Insyallah :) 

 I want you to know this . I WILL ALWAYS BE A KPOPPER . And saya takkan langgar perintah Allah walaupun saya minat kpop . I'm a muslim . Umat Nabi Muhammad SAW . Semua yang ada di dunia , bumi , dan seluruh alam semesta semuany milik Allah SWT . Ingat tu , kita cuma hidup sementara sahaja di dunia ni , bila bila masa je Allah boleh tarik nyawa kita . 

END OF MY POST . Supprt us okayy ? *Ceh , macam artis . kgedik kan sya nak macam artis bagai ~ Night :3

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